“I am Sharing with You All that My Work is Based On

All the Work I have done in Order to be Where I Am,

and the Well of Resources that I have to Offer as a Result.”


Born in Virginia on a Navy base, raised in a western suburb of Chicago, Anna has a BA in Social Work from Taylor University, Indiana and an MA in Interpersonal Communications from Wheaton College in Illinois. She has Corporate career experience with The Quaker Oats Company, as well as having worked on Capitol Hill with a U.S. Senator from Minnesota.

Anna has been married to Steve since 1983, a Mother of Three and now GrandMother of Four. Inspired by Love for her Family and the creation of nurturing surroundings, Anna lives and works from her Homes in Baltimore, MD and Avalon, NJ. She has Lived and Travels, Internationally.

Anna’s life is one of Spiritual Devotion. She is a Lifelong Learner of World Religions thru the Scriptures, the Institute of Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies, The (W)hole Point Institute™, and Sol Luna Yoga for the physical expression of Spiritual Embodiment.

Faced with enormously Painful Challenges at a Pivotal Point of life, Anna purposefully pursued a Potent Process of Precious Personal Healing that has become a Profession.

For a Time Such as This, in 2010 Anna chose to work with Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick, the globally respected Founder of The (W)hole Point Institute™ and Creator of The Wisdom Way™.

The Wisdom Way™ is a MAP and METHOD used by The (W)hole Life Coach™ Who is the MEANs for Activating the Work.

The Wisdom Way™ offers Particularized Portals for each Person to experience transformational understanding and self-validation.

The Power of The Wisdom Way™ is that it REVEALS the Inner Wisdom within Each Person, in Particular. The Power of this Work, which is not a Typology, is that there is No Place to Hide from the Wonder of Yourself. The Glory of You will always be REVEALED.

With Thousands of Hours of Consistent, Deep Personal Work and Sound Coaching, CourseWork, Teaching and Training using The Wisdom Way™, Anna is a Well-Equipped Certified (W)hole Life Coach™ for Individuals and People Activating Intimate Relating (PAIRs™) thru The (W)hole Point Institute™.

Anna is Dedicated to Ongoing Personal Exploration of herself on behalf of her Apprentices. Anna’s continued studies are based upon a Principle and Core Value that a (W)hole Life Coach™ is only as good as the Work done on Themselves… Thus, Anna continues to Study with Alaya on behalf of All the People she works with.

In Summary

Anna’s (W)hole Life Coaching™ is based upon the breadth and depth of her (W)hole Life™ Experience and Education

and her Walks of Faith


The Wisdom Way™

The Wisdom Way™ is a

Profoundly Potent Process


The Spiritual Intersects with the Psychological

and Offers


All Faiths are Welcome to the Table

Used with permission by Alaya Chadwick, having met all Requirements of The (W)hole Point Institute™.

Alaya’s highest compliment and recognition of the Skills, Talent, and Depth of the (W)hole Life Coach™ is when she says, “I Would Go to You.”

In addition to being Founder of The (W)hole Point Institute (WPI)™ and Creator of The Wisdom Way™, Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick is a Yale Divinity Graduate with an MDiv Degree, a UConn-MSW with 44 years and counting of experience, Master Teacher extraordinaire of all WPI (W)hole Life Coaches™, Author of Four Books, StoryTeller, Married to John, and Faithful Shepherd to a Village of Many.