Anna’s Method

Anna’s Coaching is Soundly based on the Breadth and Depth of her (W)hole Life™ Experience, and the MAP, METHOD, and the MEANs of The Wisdom WAY™.

Anna is the MEANs thru which The Wisdom WAY™ reveals Life-Transforming Portals. Portals are Particular to Each Person as their Psychology and their Spiritual Beliefs Intersect to ACTIVATE the Portal.

Anna’s Clients are “Apprentices” Learning a Potent Process. Anna equips her Apprentices to See their own particular portraits of understandings. Apprentices are Empowered to Make Sense of their (W)hole Life™. “Oh, I Make So Much Sense to Me”, is a very Powerful Moment for Apprentices!

A massive Whiteboard is Anna’s principle tool when working in person; easily duplicated virtually. The Whiteboard becomes an Alive Revealing Visual Scene of the Apprentice’s Life Creations and Responses.

(W)hole Work™ is a Method and Map that reveals beliefs and the resulting structures within which the Apprentice has been living, thus no longer a Victim of Life Events.

The Result is clear understandings, self-validating realizations, wake-up calls, and focused choices that make all the Difference.

How Anna Works

Anna’s WAY of Being is the Cherishment of Each Apprentice. Anna listens Deeply while walking alongside Apprentices, to Safely navigate those dark spaces and places within.

She uses Drawings, Images, and a vast Collection of Props and Toys. Thru this modality, Anna is able to reach the unconscious where unknown secrets are held.

The Only Choice presented to All Apprentices IS, Do you have the Courage to look within? For the Rest, Anna is Your Guide.

Sessions are highly interactive. Addressing tough stuff in FUN WAYs. Anna opens the DOOR to New Ideas for Grace-Filled WAYs of Being in Life, Love, and Relationships.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” - Neale Donald Walson


  • Individuals

    What brings Individuals to Anna is the Desire to Understand the Events, Feelings, and Truth of One’s Life. This is the fundamental Intent of (W)hole Life Coaching™.

    Sessions are preferably two hours long initially to begin, for as long as Important to continue on.

    The Pattern of Frequency and length of time is co-created between Anna and the Apprentice.

    It is recommended that Apprentices are at least 21 to begin.

  • PAIRs™

    PAIRs™ are Coached in a Method of Dialoguing and Trash Clearing which is Rooted in The Wisdom WAY™. PAIRs is short-hand for People Activating Intimate Relating. PAIRs™are any PAIR™ of People based upon The Wisdom WAY™.

    An initial Three-Hour Session is Required. Then the Pace and Frequency and length of time for each session is co-created between Anna and the PAIR™. Each PAIR™ is tenderly held by Anna as the Space between is Gently and Respectfully Revealed.

  • Intensives

    Intensives are a highly effective and accelerated approach to Sorting and Sifting thru the Facts, Thoughts, and Feelings that can get so tangled up within One’s psyche.

    Intensives* are co-created with Anna in discussion with an Individual or PAIR™. Anna makes the final determination as to whether an Intensive* is Appropriate.

    *Subject to an Intensive Rate.

  • (W)hole Shop™

    A Small Group Gathering to Study with Anna to Learn the Anatomy of (w)Holes which we fall into. The MAP of The Wisdom WAY™ is revealed in the Initial (W)hole Shop™.

    Sharing the Experience of Learning with others is not only comforting, it’s FUN and brings greater insight.

    The minimum Required is Four People. (W)hole Shops™ available upon Request.

  • Master Class thru The (W)hole Point Institute

    Recommended Master Class for Coaches, Human Resources & Self-Development Professionals thru The (W)hole Point Institute.

    (W)hole Shops I-IV

    June 2025 to December 2026

    $6,500 upon Referral thru Anna

    An In-Depth Series for Professionals in Search of Personal Support for their own Work and a New Set of Tools for their Clients.

    Originally developed for an Executive Leadership Program, WPI’s Master Class proves to be a Personal and Professional Game Changer.

    Early Deposit suggested as Spaces are Limited.

    Installment Option Available.

Apprentice Access section is password protected for your protection. Access upon inquiry and request.