Difference between a Traditionally Trained Therapist* and (W)hole Life Coach™
Whereas Traditional Therapy* is medically appropriate and important, (W)holeLife Coaching™ The Wisdom WAY™ offers a different point of view and can be a complimentary companion.
Simply put, traditional therapies are “diagnosis” based, looking for what is “wrong” to fix based upon a particular Structure.
Rather than participating in an approach looking for what is “wrong,” Anna found the Genius of the Child. The Wisdom Way™ presumes Innocent Goodness is always present within the Apprentice, however, hidden or pushed away.
(W)holeLife Coaching™ The Wisdom WAY™ Celebrates & Elevates the hidden creations of the Apprentice, who, by the way, is the Expert of themselves.
Anna Celebrates the Courage of every person Knocking on her Door. It takes profound Courage whether a phone call, text, or email to Reach Anna and Say,
“I Am Ready, I Am Willing, and I Am Able to take a REAL look at the Beliefs and Truths that are running my Life.”
Here We Go…
*(W)holeLife Coaching™ The Wisdom WAY™ does not replace traditional Medical therapies & treatment, especially Psychiatric Treatment. For those facing eating disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal plans, please consult the appropriate medical professionals.